your career
as a developer in South Korea
of graduates
We are working together with KATA Academy - our older brother in Europe
By joining HABSIDA you will gain access to an extensive associates community as well as partner companies who are ready to hire our graduates
Expert mentoring
HABSIDA — First cross border coding school in South Korea
We guarantee that you will find a job after graduating from Habsida
Otherwise you don't have to pay us ANYTHING under ISA.
Yes, we are that confident in our students!
Employment guarantee
We will guide you the whole way, from contacting us to your first day of work
What We Offer
Strong network
You will be able to contact your mentor any time you have a question. Our goal is to make sure you acquire all the necessary knowledge.
We are giving our students and graduates the opportunity to increase their Korean skills by introducing our new partner - Say Speaking.
With 35,000+ clients to date, they are leading the Korean language education market. Say Speaking has been recently acquired by Marvrus - an edutech company engaged in AR/VR content.
You will master the necessary knowledge in 6-8 months of intensive studies under the mentor's supervision
Get hired
We will help you create a competitive resume and prepare for the job interview
Pay for the results
Once you get a job, you start paying 17% of your salary for 2 years
Continue getting support
Habsida alumni community will support you all the way through
Learn more about the course plan, payment and developer's path
Learn More
100% online
6 months of extensive online couses
Our alumni from different countries are keen to help
Personal mentor will guide you through the entire course
Companies in Korea are eager to hire our graduates
Our Statistics
We are working together with KATA Academy — our older brother in Europe
Of graduates employed
Countries our graduates Came From
Graduates & 600+ students
Of graduates employed
Countries our graduates work in
What is «HABSIDA»?
«합시다» (Korean) = «Let's do it». Hence, we want to HABSIDA your success together!
Founded by foreigner developers, HABSIDA (주식회사 에스초이스 합시다) aims to improve life of fellow foreigners as well as solve the developers shortage in Korean companies. We use a combination of a 100% online platform and real-world coding projects, followed by job training
Most common questions are answered here. Check them first 🙂 If you have more, you can book 15mins consultation with us →
If you didn't find the answer to your question, send a request, we will advise you.
Frequently Asked Questions
We require either spoken Korean or spoken English. Of course, knowing Korean at least at a conversational level is desirable. However, most of our graduates do not know it, which does not prevent them from getting a job and working in Korean companies:)
Training takes place entirely online. As you complete your studies, you will have to come to Korea to find a job and pass an interview.
97% of graduates get a job as they graduate. We also actively support and help to find employment, including with our partners. If you still can't find a job, then you will be free from all obligations.
We require our students to dedicate 25 hours per week to their studies. This is, for example, two hours a day and all weekends. At this rate, after 6 months, you will already be able to get a job as a programmer.
More answers to frequently asked questions here.
Open FAQ
Our Partners
Our Partner Companies Are Ready To Hire
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