Choose what you like the most: Java Frontend, Java Script Backend or UX/UI design
Habsida will provide the most suitable mentor for you
Build Practical Skillset
Work on real-life project to gain experience and improve your portfolio
More interactive and close to real world experience which can't be done in academia
Prepare for Interviews & Secure a Job
We will help you to create suitable self-presentation and prepare for the job interviews. After that we will recommend your profile to our partner companies
Head of HR department
Jane Kim
already employed by Korean companies
92% of our graduates find jobs in the first 2-3 months
50+ graduates
We guarantee employment if you complete your training
3 years of training and employment of developers and designers
Habsida is an online educational institute which provides a robust 6 to 8-months backend programming course in Java, offering a deep dive into application development. From foundational Java skills to advanced project building, the curriculum ensures comprehensive learning. Despite being midway through the course, my confidence in the institute remains high due to its effective teaching methods and valuable insights provided. This is the best online course I have ever found, with its main advantages lying in its time flexibility and exceptional mentorship. Personally, I feel a tangible growth in my knowledge and skills. Notably, in Korea, this is the sole institute offering programming courses in English medium, making it an invaluable resource for international learners like myself.
Andrew, 44, Canada
In Korea, I was lucky enough to be working as an English-Russian translator. One day, I came across the Habsida School and it was love at first sight! The school's program is really versatile and gives you the chance to gain knowledge and skills while combining them with your current job. What's really great about the school is that it has very strong support from mentors. And perhaps most importantly, the school helps you find a job!
Sergey, 28, Russia
I came to Korea last year, and it was such an amazing experience! Before that, I worked as a data analyst in the banking industry back home. After studying at Habsida, I was lucky enough to find a great job in Korea after just a couple of weeks of searching. I make over $3,000 USD a month, and I don't even speak Korean!
Daniel, 26, United Kingdom
I was on the hunt for a new career and was looking for some programming courses. I was so excited to find Habsida online and in English! After 10 months of training, I was so excited to find a job in just a few weeks!
Hussen, 26, Uzbekistan
I was really hoping to get a job right after university in Korea, but it just didn't work out. It all started when I came across Habsida ads on social media and got really interested! Then I applied and was accepted! Once I'd completed the training, I was invited to an interview, and after a little while, I was offered a great job in a startup company!
Olena, 26, Ukraine
The pace of the course was pretty intense at times, but it was totally doable! Just a heads-up: this course won't do everything for you. You'll get a shovel, but you'll have to do the digging yourself. It was all so worth it, and I'm so proud of myself for finishing! I still can't believe it all worked out!
Mentor with appropriate experience will show real projects and share the knowledge that will be applicable at your future work
7 months
Flexible schedule and opportunity to build a learning process
Job placement
We offer a special job placement course for FREE that will help you to get a job in Korea, USA and other countries. From CV clinic to intros to IT companies
Pay for the entire course upfront or in monthly installments.
Yes. Our courses are designed specifically for people who have no prior knowledge of programming or design. The main thing is to give enough time to study materials: regularly watch lessons, perform homework and listen to mentor's recommendations.
On average, the training lasts from 7 months at a load of 20 hours per week. It is about 2.5 hours on weekdays and one day on weekends.
To work as a programmer in Korea, you need to know English or Korean on a conversational level. Knowledge of Korean is an advantage, but not a prerequisite, and many successful foreign programmers may not know Korean today, but it does not prevent them from successfully working with English.
You must be over 18 years of age at the time of completion of your course.
Our courses are completely online. You can learn at any time you like by browsing the training materials and videos on our platform.
You study materials and perform various tasks, including tests and practical projects. There are many tasks, and they differ in the level of difficulty. However, in the process of working on them you will get support from an experienced mentor who has experience in Korea.
During the training, the following types of interaction are envisaged:
Weekly group calls with all students and mentor.
Meetings every two weeks with the group's curator.
Theoretical and practical knowledge review with mentor after each module (~1.5 - 2 weeks).
After completing all modules, within one month, you will undergo internship, working on a real project for one of Habsida's clients.
It is possible to take breaks, but we do not recommend. Access to the platform is suspended at this time. Based on our experience, students who take long breaks cannot complete the course in 7 months, as the progress achieved is nullified. Because without constant practice, the acquired knowledge is quickly forgotten, they have to go through the material again.
We help with employment after completing our courses as follows:
Knowledge Overview: Upon completion of the program, the mentor will provide a comprehensive overview of all your skills and knowledge.
Summary and Interview Preparation: Our HR Director, who has a PhD in Social Sciences, will help you prepare a competitive resume and prepare for the interview. We will also provide you with information about frequently asked questions during interviews and give advice on how to behave during interviews.
Access to Job Posts: You will have access to vacancies from our partners who are ready to invite you.
Support after employment: We will accompany you in the first few months of work, helping you to successfully pass the probationary period and advising you on difficult work issues such as delay or non-payment of salary, correct dismissal, overtime pay, job change, etc.
Thus, we provide comprehensive support at all stages of employment.
There are two payment options:
Payment at once - 2,940,000 won
Payment instalment for 7 months - payment will be 490,000 won per month
Any questions?
If you have any questions or do not know where to start, please contact us